Your conservatism is showing!
As demonstrated the other day, when an anti-immigration 'protest' left ahandful of non-local professional thugs facing thousands of counter-demonstrators, this is not an 'outburst of popular resentment' as Farage would have us believe, but a series of orchestrated disturbances designed to weaken the current Government. The roots lie not in popular racism, but the higher echelons of the Tory Party and their puppets - Nigel Farage and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson).
Both of theses, are scarecrows (strawmen) designed to hide how truly hard-right the Conservatives are by representing an over-the-top caricature of right-wing extermism. Just as the Republicans in the US hide behind Trumps' populist buffoonery to keep the blue-collar Southern vote they depend on.
It's all about the money for real (ie fiscal) Conservatives, and they use cultural conservatives - well-meaning folk like you - to their own ends.