You should take more notice of what's actually going on!
Those insane waking hours and pace of work will never slacken off. As and when it gets to the point they might, then Musk will simply lay more people off and force those who remain to carry on working themselves to death.
There will be no promotion opportunities. New managers/directors etc will be hired from outside. That way you get away with paying them less than you'd have to pay someone from inside, because they'd expect a substantive pay-rise, whereas a newcomer won't know the difference until it's too late.
Then the skilled jobs will be automated or broken down into minimum-wage ones, the skilled employees will be fired and replaced with part-time unskilled people. Projects and upgrades? Get contractors in for that.
You make the everyday work unskilled, and force the skilled people to work at them for minimum wage, or leave and become contractors. The more contractors there are in the field, the cheaper they become.
It's all about maximising profits.
This has been going on since the Thatcher/Reagan days, no reason for Musk to do anything different. Within five years, Twitter will be manned by a skeleton staff of minimum-wage administrators watching screens and answering phone calls from a script. Customers will get shit service and Musk will make massive profits. Since every other firm will be doing exactly the same, consumers won't have a meaningful choice.