You need to look at the books more closely.
Aragorns' mother was Gilraen, a Lady of the Dunedain and descendant of their first Chieftain. She married Arathorn II, Chieftain of the Dunedain and they had a son, Aragorn, who she called Estel (Hope). Arathorn died when his son was two, and Gilraen followed the custom of taking the Heir of Isildur (Aragorn) to Imladris/Rivendell, where she raised him. At the age of 77, when Aragorn was 53, she left Rivendell and returned to her family in Eriador, where she eventually died at the age of 100.
Elronds' mother was Elwing the White, daughter of Dior who was the son of Beren and Luthien. As a result she had descent from the House of Beor, the Sindarin Elves and the Maiar. She married Earendil, son of Tuor of the House of Hador and Idril, a Princess of the Noldorin Elves. They had twin sons, Elrond and Elros. Earendil and Elwing were the first peple to reach the Undying Lands after the Rebellion of the Noldor, bringing the message that started the War of Wrath and the Fall of Morgoth. Earendil and elwing were counted among the Elves and both still live in Aman. Elros chose mortality and was the first King of Numenor. Elrond stayed with the Elves.
The mother of Boromir and Faramir was the Lady Finduilas of Dol Amroth, sister to the Prince Imrahil who so distinguished himself in the War of the Ring. Denethor was much older then she was. Their first son, Boromir, was his fathers' pride. But the birth of Faramir was difficult, rendering Finduilas ill and unable to concieve again, which led Denethor to resent Faramir and leave him to Finduilas to raise. She died when Faramir was five, and Boromir did his best to look after his brother afterwards. If Boromir had been less protective of his brother, it would have been Faramir who joined the Fellowship of the Ring. They say it was the loss of Finduilas and Denethots' subsequent depression that drew him to use the Palantir, to his ruin. Faramirs' first gift to Eowyn was a cloak that had belonged to his mother.
Frodos' parents were Drogo and Primula (nee Brandybuck), they died in a boating accident (quite the scandal in Hobbit terms) whe Frodo was 12. It is to be noted that both Bilbo and Frodo, as bachelors, were very unusual among Hobbits - ti was the main source of their reputation for eccentricity.
Merrys' mother was Esmeralda (nee Took). She attended Bilbos' Farewell Party with her husband Saradoc and father in law Rorimac (Master of Buckland). As far as we know she was still alive and hale when her son returned from his adventures. Merry himself married Estella Bolger.
Pippins parents were Paladin Took and Eglantine (nee Banks). They held the Tookland against Sharkeys' ruffians until Pippin arrived back from the wars. Pippin later married Diamond of Long Cleeve - their son was named Faramir.
Due to their immortality. Elvish family relationships can become distant, which is why Elvish characters barely speak of their families except in an historical context. It must also be borne in mind that the Elves never truly die, but can be released from Mandos to incarnate again.
Consider, Galadriel was born in Tirion, the City of the Noldor in Valinot. Her father was Finarfin and her mother was Earwen of the Teleri, her brothers were Finrod, Angrod and Aegnor. Her grandmother was Indis of the Vanyar, who was one of those who made the Great Journey from Middle Earth to Valinor. Indis was the second wife of Finwe, King of the Noldor, who by his first wife Mriel, was the father of Feanor. When Galadriel left Valinor in the Host of her uncle, Fingolfin, her parents remained in Valinor where they live to this day. She did not see or hear from them again until she herself returned to the West. She married Celeborn in the First Age, but they often spent centuries apart while remaining in love and faithful. Elves literally have all the time in the world.
Only a third of the Dwarf race was female, and as a result they were very protected, seldom travelling outside their homes. Within their homes, however, they were highly influential as both crafters and advisors.