Will we, nil we, we all pay every day to financially support organisations and people whose views we disagree with or consider dangerous. We need to feed, clothe and house ourselves, after all. We can try our best to choose ethical companies and people to deal with, but the sad truth is that this is not always affordable for ordinary people, who must use the most inexpensive providers they can find.
The same, in a way, applies to entertainment. There remains, despite all efforts, a paucity of family-friendly entertainment, and much of what there is tends to heavy-handed political correctness or utter, Disneyesque, blandness.
If you wish to entertain a family across several generations, your choices are limited. His Dark Materials and the Tolkien Legendarium are too much for the younger. Zog and Snail and the Whale, are a turn-off for the over-eights. C S Lewis is too heavily allegorical and modern 'childrens' fiction' often leans too hard into the unreliable narrator, dysfunctional family, bleak urban background tropes that critics love but kids hate.
Ultimately (particularly at this time of year) one is reduced to the original Star Wars trilogy, Shrek, the Muppets, a couple of Tim Burton films, some Terry Pratchett, the MCU and Harry Potter (but not Fantastic Beasts). All things which contain a little of something for everyone and whose messages (if any) are so subtle or deeply-buried as to be lost on the typical viewer.
As to J K Rowling, her defining characteristic is her lack of any real or deep intelligence. She had one idea, which she wote in slightly-updated Enid Blytonesque prose (Ron says 'Bloody Hell' instead of 'Gosh!'), set in the moribund Boarding School milieu, and borrowed her main characters from Star Trek (TOS). It got picked up by schoolkids because from the time they were too old for Roald Dahl until they were old enough for Twilight, there was bugger-all for them to read! Rowling got lucky, she got rich and she got a platform to spout her unpleasant and stupid opinions. If she carries on at this rate, the lawyers for the various corporations who also make profits from the wizard world and its contents, and who are a great deal more clever than she, will find a way to separate the creation from the created and she will be reduced to background noise.