Who the goodies and baddies are has always depended upon where you're standing.
Anyone with half a functioning brain must know, at some level, that while all Israelis may be Jews, not all Jews are Israelis. Nevertheless, Israeli agents of influence have spent decades making sure that any critic of Israel is automatically, and usually erroneously, labelled anti-semitic. That's how Jeremy Corbyn got nobbled: sympathising with the plight of Palestinians and holding the Israeli government to account for their often inhumane policies toward them is not the same as a deep-seated and irrational hatred of Jews. Any more than demonstrating a desire to end the conflict in Ulster by engaging with Sinn Fein (as Corbyn often did) is the same as supporting terrorism.
Any community/group of more than about 200 individual is, for a lot of reasons, going to be unstable. One of the ways to counter that instability is to get everyone facing the same direction. You do that by presenting issues in black and white, them and us, good and evil terms. Once you get the simpletons (and there are a fuckload of them) onside, you can then either shout down or dispose of those few annoying nuanced thinkers.
Once upon a time, for several million German simpletons, the Nazis were the good guys. That doesn't make those people evil, just ordinary idiots.
It's no longer even about good or evil. It's about shouting down anyone who suggests that there aren't any easy answers. Because those in power want ,above all, to avoid risking that power by actually having to do something with it.