What amuses me is that this woman is doing, out of greed it seems, what so many working-class women once had to do out of necessity.
The town I grew up in was a port, mainly fishing but some cargo. What that effectively meant was that working class men had two choices, the ships or the docks. Work on both was casual: you turned up and if you were at the front of the queue you got a job, either for the voyage or the day (on the docks). The pay for crewmen came when the trip was over and the cargo paid for, and was on the basis of a share in the profits; it varied and could arrive at intervals between three weeks and six months. Dock work was on a day-today basis, depedning upon what if any ships had come in or were expected. Only the men needed were hired, and only for the day.; pay was low and intermittent.
There were few jobs for women,and most employers would only hire single women, or married ones who were childless. It was not considered proper for a wfe to work, her husband shouldn't have married her if he couldn't keep her. Childless marriages were considered a tragedy, so the wife wuld be allowed to work 'to give her something to do'. Nursing and teaching were 'vocations' which required a woman to remain a spinster or lose her job.
So it was far from uncommon to see a married woman answer the door to a rent or bill-collector in her dressing-gown and say to him: "Would you like to come in for a bit, love?". Common enough for 'having a bit' or "a bit" to become a slang term for sex. The husbands all knew about this, because their mothers had done the same. Their reactions ran from ignoring it through simple acceptance of necessity to active encouragement.
The difference is necessity. If the choice is between morality and feeding the kids, then morals come second.
Now whether the porn-star wife is doing what she's doing out of greed or to satisfy her own particular sexuality is an open question. What is clear is that it's hurting her husband, and that, arguably, is the only thing she's doing that is reprehensible. In which case she has to decide whether to leave him or stop what she's doing. His choice is simpler -stay or leave. Remaining in a toxic situation indicates that he fears something about the alternative.
"we need God"? Look at what's happening in the Middle East and say that again with a straight face!