Well, OK, maye not 'edgy', though most of ther kids I know prefer Coraline or The Nightmare Before Christmas to anything Disney ever made.
But consider the list you give here. All except The Hunchback of Notre Dame sank without trace and that one hung on by its' fingernails!
Bambi I have never seen and never will. It belongs in the same sub-genre of anthropomorphic nonsense as The Lion King, Watership Down (book and film) and Duncton Wood. Imputing human behaviours and motivations to 'realistic' animals. Compare The Wind in the Willows, where the characters are obvious and intentional caricatures of the various classes within the society Kenneth Grahame is satirising and you see what I'm driving at.
For the rest, the ever-present American Exceptionalism and cultural imperialism shown in the ruthless disregard for the original material tends to set my teeth on edge!
At the end of The Little Mermaid, Ariel is supposed to die when the Prince marries his true love. Every step she takes on land is supposed to be agony. The sacrifice of her voice is not part of a sinister plot by the Sea Witch, but a fair exchange for the use of her own blood in the potion she give the Mermaid. Before the end, the Mermaid gets the option of murdering the Prince to get her fishtail back and live, but doesn't because she still loves him. I'm sorry, but if you're going to write a totally different story at least have the decency to change the title!
At the end of THOND (the novel), Esmeralda is hanged, Quasimodo throws Frollo off the top of the cathedral and Phoebus marries a rich woman who leads him a dogs' life. It's not a kids' story, what possessed Disney to even try to make it unless the urge to butcher classics had finally got out ot control?
OK, as a fanfiction writer who specialises in crossovers, I would have absolutely no issues with a respectful and well-written Christmas Special Doctor Who/Marvel crossover. But I wouldn't want to see it as a regular thing or see The Doctor join the MCU.
Unless, of course, RTD decides to make The Flux a consequence of The Snap!