We have no definitive evidence of any kind to support the notion of an historical Christ.
That said, there are several potential scenarios, given the situation at the time.
Yeshua the Nazarene - an itinerant preacher, possibly a Rabbi, from Galilee -comes to Jerusalem to preach his Essene-based theology and causes some trouble in the Temple. He gets called before the Sanhedrin, fined and told to knock it off. But King Herod and the pro-Roman Sadducees are nervous in case the Romans decide he's a threat to them. Knowing this, the Pharisees, who have ideas in common with the Essenes, get one of their agents, a fellow named Judas, to slip Yeshua a sum of money and a warning to get out of town - way out of town. Yeshua, who is no fool, packs up his family and heads off to Alexandria in Egypt, where he gets a post at the University and lives out his life.
Meanwhile, at about the same time (give or take a decade or so) Yeshua ben Yosef, a native of Bethlehem and descendant of King David, who has been leading a Zealot terrorist group under the alias Yeshua bar Abbas (Son of the Father), is captured by the Romans and duly crucified. His relatives bribe either the Centurion in charge of the execution, or Pilate himself, to take him off the cross while still alive (Crucifixion was a method of execution, and a slow one, intentionally) but possibly drugged, whereupon he is spirited away, patched up and evetusally sent with his family to Massilia (Marseilles) which had a wealthy Jewish community he could disappear into.
These stories get about, as such things do, and because both men had the same name, they end up being conflated into a single character. A Greek charlatan called Paul picks up the story and weaves it into his new Mystery cult - claiming that Yeshua died on the cross and miraculously came back to life before becoming one with God. The cult takes off and Paul gets filthy rich for a while, before the law catches up with him and he's executed. But the cult carries on, its leaders get into politics, it becomes a regular religion and its proponents are still coining it in today. Also, they are mostly still charlatans.