Unfortunately this was back in the 80s, on some documentary - World in Action or Horizon or something. I recall that the theme of it was about whether the idea that we Brits cared more about animals than we do about kids was actually true. There'd been some controversy over a survey that showed the major animal charities (RSPCA, RSPB, PDSA) got far more in donations and support than the childrens' charities (NSPCC, Barnados, Great Ormond Street Hospital). I know that some people were taking the Royal Family to task because while two of the animal charities enjoy Royal patronage, the childrens' charities don't (it's because the NSPCC and others get involved in political campaigns).
In any event, it was one episode in a series that covered different topics every week, and I suspect it was recorded over long ago, or shot on film and the stock has decayed. For the life of me I canot recall what it was called, sorry! But it stuck with me, as such things will.