Unfortunately, all arguments, pleas and discussions are, by ther very nature, confined to elites.
The vast mass of humanity remain what they always were -shiftless, dimwitted, criminal-minded layabouts. Show them a plan for Utopia and they'll want it enthusiastially right up to the moment you rell them hey'll hav to work to get it. Then they'll shrug, say "Oh, well," and go back to poverty and misery because it's easier than working.
Religion only functioned because there were punishments for not attending Church. In Elizabethan and Jacobean times, it was fies, inprisonment or the attentions of the Inquisition. Later eras saw social ostracism, up to and including loss of livelihood. for those not conforming to expectations.
Since that stopped, nothing. People go to work - going through the motions of meaningless tasks, nicking anythnig that isn't nailed down, skiving and clockwatching, then go home and sit in front of screens, dozing.
If you are going to get these people to build a better world, you're going to have to kick them, hard and often.