Um, the thing about Socialism, and to a degree Social Democracy, is that , when properly applied, they produce a reversed hierarchy, Which is to say that the decisions about what is needed and should be done are taken and applied at the lowest feasible level. You start with the community - street, district, workplace, and work up as the issues become larger and more strategic, with each level being accountable to the one below it, not above it, so that the true intent of democracy -a govenrment accountable to the people, carrying out the wishes of the people - is achieved. Centralisation of power, decision-making and authority is a key characteristic of Fascism.
The fallacy of self-reliance is promoted by those who fail to understand the nature of humanity. The lone human is pathetic, helpless and incapable of achieving anything but an early death. To survive, we must cooperate, and we do so either as equals with a common goal, or slaves to those with bigger sticks.