To insert a bluntly practical note, lmg range weather forecasts for the Midlands indicate temperatures remianing mostly comfortably above zero (Celsius) until mid-January at least. This chimes with the last four or five winters which have been wet and mild, with little frost and no snow to speak of. Nobody is going to freeze to death - likely you won't even need your big coat!
People who will suffer from high energy prices are the twonkers who keep the heating up full blast so they can wander around their houses in t-shirts and shorts, rather than wearing proper clothes and putting a jumper on!
Liz Truss is about to freeze the bills, and she'll have to slice them further in a month or so if she wants to stay in power. But unless Labour goes back to being the Socialist party it used to be and renationalises the utilities, a change of government won't help!