This is what happens when you write a story arse about face! It's also what happens when you publish the story before you finish it. JK Rowling made that mistake with Harry Potter (as well as being as dim as a Toc-H lamp). Tolkien, on the other hand, didn't He didn't publish a word until the whole story had been written, revised, re-written and edited.
Consequently, Kenobi comes off as senile, duplicitous, or both. Dumbledore comes off as a manipulative, sociopathic fanatic willing to sacrifice Harrys' parents, Snapes' mental health and Dracos', Harrys' and his own lives just to keep Voldemort from mastering the Elder Wand. Only Gandalf earns the kudos he gets, and even then The Doctor or Granny Weatherwax would have things to say to him!