There are no 'natural' rights, the ocnpet of rights is a human construct.
The idea of individual rights, in Europe at any rate, dates back no futher than the 17th or 18th Century. Prior to that, and indeed for some time after, the mainstream thinking was of mutual obligation. The individual had a duty to the community as represented by his master, and in return the master was obliged to provide for his needs. This was no a commercial contract, as with modern employment, but a relationship that was designed to suppport the community and ultimately society.
Humans are pack animals, evolved to live in mutually-supportive, hierarchical groups wherein the followers obey the leader, but only as long as his or her leadership keeps them safe and well-fed. Mutual obligation. A lone human without the support of society can at best subsist, but only as long as they remain healthy and strong enough to work a small plot of land, and hunt and gather between crops.
Capitalism arose from a failure to understand consequences. When direct barter -flour to the cobbler in exchange for shoes for the miller; milk to the blacksmith in exchange for a new ploughshare for the farmer became inefficient, it became necessary to issue tokens. These tokens - money in its oldest form -simply indicated that work had been done by someone in the community for someone else. They represent the obligation of all members of the comunity to contribute to the community by entitling those who present them to the services orproduce of those to whom they are presented. They say 'I have done my duty to the community, and so am entitled to ask that other memebers of the community fulfil their obligation to me.'
What nobody foresaw was the rising of a class of people who produced nothing, but merely used the tokens collected by their family to purchase the enitre surplus of, say, a farm for ten tokens, then sell it off to ten people who needed it for two tokens per share, thus gaining an extra ten tokens they hadn't actually worked for. This was the beginning of the merchant class, out of which arose todays' incredibly wealthy but wholly non-productive capitalist class. It was this class who created the cult of individualism, forgetting or ignoring the fact that without the infrastructure of mass (collective) production, they would have nothing. Indiovidual success - in modern terms - can only come through the exploitation of productive members of society. A parasite without a host is a dead parasite. A parasite that kills its host slowly will only prosper for a short time. These capitalists are parasitic because they take all they can and refuse to give anything back - 'trickle-down' is a lie, it always was.
Socialism is an attempt to rid the host of the parasite altogether by having the producers share what they produce among themselves - "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."
Social democracy attempts to change the parasite into a symbiote by ensuring that the capitalist puts a fair portion of what he takes from society back into it. For example, by paying higher taxes to provide public goods, and by providing secure, well-paid employment even if it does reduce his profits.
As long as people are taught to work and act for themselves, instead of viewing themselves as part of a society with a duty to contribute to everyones' welfare, then we will have fascism, racism, poverty, crime, violence, revolution , dictatorship and the rest.