The whole Diversity thing is a crock! I say that as someone who is white, English and a former Trade Union Branch Chair! In that role, diversity caused me more trouble than anything else!
I had to advocate for a Muslim colleague who was being mocked by his team for not drinking alcohol at the team Xmas lunch. This lad was about 21, very devout and came to me practically in tears. And yes, I demanded and got a dsciplinary and a written warnig for each and every one of those idiots!
I had to support a complaint by a white man and a Black woman, both on the same team, who were being ostracised by the rest of their team, who were all of Pakistani extraction.
There was a Sikh being bullied by his Hindu manager. There was the 'feminist' employee who wanted all the men to be clean-shaven because "Beards are a symbol of aggressive masculinity and should be banned!". A trans woman being bullied by an older gay man ("A spiteful old queen!" she called him).
I could go on, but no point. Diversity is all very well when it just means hiring the best person for the job without regard to anything else about them. But once it becomes a numbers game, then it make a bad situation worse. What you get then is "My marginalised community is more marginalised than your marginalised community!" followed by "But your community marginalises mine!"
Muslims demanding special treatment during Ramadan are the same ones who demand that Pride Week and the Xmas Party be cancelled! British Asians despise Black people. Africans look down on Afro-Caribbeans. The Chinese don't talk to anybody. The feminists don't like trans people and trans people think the gays have got it all already and why are they still whingeing?
Not all of the problems that minority groups have are the fault of straight, white men. Some of them -some of the worst - come from said minorities having their collective heads up their own collective arses!