The problem with so many of these debates is that both sides tend to start from the wrong end. The atheist or non-theist or whatever starts at "there is no God" and works backward from that. The theist starts from "God exists" and works backwards from that.
Very few start from "Is there a God?" and work forwards. largely because that might involve years of research, looking for empirical evidence (if one uses the scientific method). Or years of bringing together threads of different religions, philosophy and metaphysical thought and trying to extract enough common elements to build a coherent idea of God or enough disparity to show that there is no coherent model.
Too bloody much like hard work for us armchair commentators! Apart from the fact that we all have other things to do (there's a cat yelling at me for food as I write)!
Everyone is aware, to a greater or lesser extent, of the existential absurdity of our condition. One either ignores it and does the deed to hand (make a living, raise a family, watch Love Island or Big Brother) because it's easier than thinking. Or one embraces it and structures ones' own purpose and meaning (cogito ergo grouch, in my case). Or one looks to others -superatural beings and those who claim to speak for them - to provide meaning and purpose (and end up crashing planes into buildings, or knocking on strangers' doors with bags full of pamphlets). There are no right or wrong answers, per se, or at least nothing any of us can do that will make a blind bit of difference to the Universe at large. But some decisions are more dangerous than others.