The issue with Star Wars, as with Harry Potter, is the failure of the authors to follow the mythological themes through.
Mythology is cyclic. Thatls becuase at base, it's about nature. Winter follows Summer and is followed by Summer again. Night follows Day and is followed by Day. Every victory carries the seed of the next defeat.
Tolkien understood this. Dark Lords rise and are defeated only to be replaced by other Dark Lords. The heroes who defy and defeat the Dark (Beren, Turin, Earendil, Elendil, Frodo) are often wounded and maimed, and they either die or are taken away to be replaced by others equally doomed.
Like King Arthur or Frodo, Luke and Harry should either have died in the moment of victory, or been so severely wounded that they had to leave their worlds to find healing elsewhere (with the promise to return some day).
Resurgrent Darkness requires new heroes untainted by the mistakes and failures of the old.