The definition of 'dowager' is 'a widow with a title or property derived from her late husband'. Based, of course, on the assumption that a widower would have his own property, and title, not derived from his late wife. as that isn't the way it works. If Lady Hufnstuf marries Fred Bloggs, she becomes Mrs Bloggs and if he dies, she becomes the Widow Bloggs. If Peggy Bloggs marries Lord Hufnstuf she becomes Lady Hufnstuf and if he dies, she becomes the Dowager Lady Hufnstuf. Not fair, but that's how it works.
The origin of the Church of England was, very specifically and solely, to allow Henry VIII to divorce Katherine of Aragon. You may be assured that had he ever bothered with the matter, he would have taken a very firm view as to who his assorted offspring were to marry!