Stupidity, irrationaility, fear. All things that canlt be put right by reason, morals and ethics.
A stupid decision made over a century ago. You want a Jewish homeland? Don't blame you, Diaspora Jews get a kicking everywhere they try to live. BUT. Back then there were still shedloads of habitable but uninhabited land in North America and Australia where anyone who wanted could have been settled, rather than in an already heavily-populated country.
The irrational belief that a certain patch of ground belongs ' rightfully' to a group who have not lived there in centuries. Just because an old, much edited text of dubious authorship and authenticity claims that a nameless Sky-God promised it to a legendary Hero. Complete bollocks and no justification for taking land away from people who have lived in and worked on it for generations.
Fear of the present (not the future). An enclave of medieval, autocratic, feudal states where the poverty-stricken masses are kept in check by the mandates of a religion even more tyrannical than the secular rulers. Trapped in the past, clinging to an outmoded system that keeps the few in power and wealth. To find, right in the midst of them, a potentially modern , liberal, industrially and commercially advanced democracy in which ordinary people have decent homes and enough food, as well as the right to express their opinions and choose their government. Fear that their people will see those people and want what they have. So you crowd them with 'refugees'you could have easily absorbed. You demonise them as 'infidels', colonisers and aggressors. You finance organisations set up with the express purpose of destroying them. You attack them, isolate them, drive them to do terrible things then point to them and call them criminals.
All of which would be an irrelevant local issue where it not for our foolish dependence on obsolete fossil fuels.