Sorry but there are just too many things wrong, here!
Anakin has no father, it seems. that's not mystical as much as it is lazy. It would have taken all of five minutes to believably explain why Shmi is a single mum.
Padme and Anakin - creepy! In Ep 1 Anakin is nine and Padme is at least 20-25 (you do not send out a teenager as an Ambassador). When they next meet, he's maybe 19, which makes her 30-35, but she's all over him like a rash! Cougar, much? Better to give her a little sister he could fall for.
Falling to the Dark Side. Unconvincing. If the Jedi Order is corrupt, then become a rogue Jedi, no need to go full-on Sith. Been better if Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan had recognised how dangerous the kid was and left him a slave on Tatooine, only to have Palpatine stop by, recognise the boys' potential, and take him as an apprentice. Or easier, have the Jedi reject him and Palpatine scoop him up! Thus he was always a Sith. This makes his 'flaw' the moment of humanity when he falls in love and fathers his children, and his eventual redemption far deeper. As it is, we get 'he was always good really', rather than 'his love for his son overcame his evil'.
The Jedi themselves are clearly based on the Knights Templar, who went from a small order of loyal, pious warrior monks to a massively wealthy group of mercenaries and political influencers. They too, were stamped out by a ruler tired of their interference and arrogance.
Lucas fell into the same trap as Rowling. You can't build a world on the back of a cigarette packet. You have to study for years to learn history, philosophy, myths, culture and language. Then you need to write the entire history - nothing left to conjecture. You have to know it all, in detail. You have to be a Tolkien, and Lucas isn't.
That's why the original trilogy more or less works as space opera. What did the damage was the attempt to create a legend while not understanding what was needed to do it.