So you did, and I'm not buying it. It's basically the same as any theist argument. It boils down to "I'm scared of dying, so I'll make up nice stories about death not being the end."
There are two things about me I don't like to talk about. One is my military service, which is a dark place in my life.
The other is that I am a Psychic. Though I prefer the term 'Psyker' because 'psychic' suggests the image of either a dreamy-eyed young blonde or a dotty old lady.
I try to keep it under wraps because people find it scary sometimes. But it does mean that I know there is no Universal God-type consciousness. There's nothing that big out there, if there was I'd know.
I felt when my grandparents, parents-in-law and parents died, and they are gone, completely gone. They didn't even leave an echo. All I have of them is my memories.
But there's no point arguing from this viewpoint because for all any of you know I might be as big a charlatan as other Psykers. So I do my best with other arguments.