Seems to me that all this 'thought experiment' speaks to is the difference between academic study and experiential learning. Mary has stuided the theory of redness, but doesn't know red until she sees/experiences it.
You can theorise about F=ma as much as you like, but if you get a cricket ball in the wedding tackle, you will know about it - no equation needed!
That's a problem a lot of folk have both with science and philosophy. The gap between what theoretical scienitsts and philosophers say about Life, the Universe and Everything, and what the Man on the Clapham Omnibus actually expereinces day to day.
I don't know about you, but I've never come home from work and said to SWMBO "You know, I saw a really interesting quantum mechanical event today." or "I had another moment of existential absurdity in the office today!" (hang on, I might have actually said that a couple of times, but I was a Civil Servant).