I see that we have ourselves a Blairite here....
Let's get one thing straight. Only centrists are in favour of the EU. It was the centrists in both parties that pushed the original Comon Market referendum through. It's the centrists who are now bitching and moaning about what a disaster Brexit has been. Those who are truly of the Left and Right are universally opposed to it, though for different reasons. The right wing of the Tories saw our sovereignty being undermined by a faceless, unaccountable technocratic bureaucracy (which is how the system was designed to work). Socialists like myself saw 'freedom of movement' being used to push wages down by the mobilisation of a mass of itinerant cheap labour, commodities being stockpiled to artificially inflate prices and profits and industries being turned into price-fixing cartels (cars, energy, transport), and an EU governed with barely a nod toward democracy.
But what a lot of ordinary people saw was the Germans starting to throw their weight about again and the French getting annoyed about it. There was a feeling of 'here we go again'. People here do not want to be involved in another Franco-German conflict.
The current economic dislocation owes far more to two years of pandemic and lockdown, followed by an entirely preventable war, than it does to Brexit.