Rhea and Cybele, both also known as the 'Magna Mater'. were celebrated with cannibalistic orgies. Her rites were suppressed by Philp of Macedon and his son Alexander (resulting in their eventual assassinations) but re-emerged in Rome. Her consort Attis was a eunuch who was symbolically (or actually) killed and eaten at her Spring Festival. The custom of killing and eating a de-sexed male in honour of the Goddess at a Spring-time celebration is now known as 'Easter' across most of Europe and the US. The human sacrifice has now been mostly replaced by symbolic ceremonies involving bread and wine.
The custom of bringing a bunch of flowers to Dear Old Mum one Sunday a year, however, is Victorian, like most 'ancient traditions' such as the Highland Games, Eisteddfods and watching sunrise at Stonehenge.
There are more things in Heaven and Earth than can be found on Google.