Problem being, that if you talk about millionaires and so forth being privileged, everybody understands and agrees. Even if you get the odd capitalsit running dog who claims "they worked hard for it". But if you then go one and tell a white, working-class peeon that they are privileged, they're going to look at the house they can only just pay the mortgage or rent on, their battered old car, their Aldi or Lidl groceries and empty-by-the-last-week-of-the-month bank accounts, count the hours they work for it all and the conditions they work in, then turn round and say "What fucking privilege?". Especially when these admonitions are so frequently handed out by middle-class, well-off people who just happen to be of colour. Working class PoC don't generally have time to pontificate like that, they have to get to work as well!