People have a right to undertake business ventures. Until and unless they can be proven to be profiting directly from criminal activity, there is nothing in UK law to prevent them engaging in business with anyone, regardless of our opinions regarding
The guilt of a crime lies with the perpetrators of said crime: "I was only following orders." is no defence. If someone is murdered, then those who actually and physically committed the act are thge only ones to be held responsible. So-called 'international law' is, has always been and always will be a fiction until and unless a supra-national police force exists to enforce it. What happened in Salisbury is a matter for the local police force and the courts.
The UK is no longer a Power. Has not been since 1945. We should withdraw from NATO and the Security Council at once and boot those US bases off our soil. Cut our military to only what we need to defend our home territory and stop holding Americas' hand!
Trade with anybody, remember that their internal politics are not our concern and stay neutral.
Either that or declare US independence invalid and take over there (a couple of Brownie packs should be enough to deal with the US military, given their track record).😂😂🤣🤣