One, don't ever call me a liar.
Two, I was,as stated, a trade union rep. While the D&I people were following up silly complaints made by silly people, or trying to make us all use their 'Newspeak', I was at meetings, disciplinary hearings and Tribunals. While they were bellyaching about 'microaggressions', I was actually getting sex pests, racists and bullies fired!
The rules and laws already existed, so instead of dicking about with 'sensitivity training' and suchlike, I got on with having them enforced!
I detailed some of the sillier excesses precisely because they were silly. Supposedly highly-trained 'professionals' running about after trivia - ludicrous! There were full-on racists managing teams and senior male staff who couldn't keep their hands off young girls. They wanted to 'retrain' them. I took them to Tribunal and got them sacked. Maybe in their next job they'd learn to behave, maybe not, but they were no longer harassing my members!
It cost me any kind of promotion, I had no chance of passing a Performance Review, eventually, when I got too pissed off with the toxicity and too old to be able to do all I used to, I quit But I left the Union role in the hands of somebody even meaner and more dedicated to fairness than I am!
Empathy be damned! There are rules, not only written laws but the social rules I learned at school: mutual respect and fair play. Principles. Go look that up, but you'll not find it in your Newspeak Dictionary, because it involves standing up for what you believe in, not bending to every wind!