OK, I’m a Brit, so maybe I don’t speak quite the same language as an American, but I looked over Bernie Sanders’ campaign website. There’s things I may have missed or misunderstood. If so, put me right.
On healthcare, I see ‘single-payer’, not ‘tax-funded’. There may or may not be a distinction between the two, but to me that sounds like compulsory health insurance, not state-funded healthcare.
I see an open invitation to immigrants without any counter-balancing proposals to support wages -you can’t have one without the other or it’s a race to the bottom.
I see no mention of public ownership of utilities, key strategic industries and transport infrastructure, all of which are essential to a socialist programme.
I perceive a deafening silence around proper gun control, substantive reductions in military spending and supporting the right of other nations to self-determination by removing US troops from their soil.
I see nothing about a guaranteed minimum income for all as of right.
I see right of centre Blairism, not socialism.