Of course our knowledge is less than perfect. So are we. For that matter, as far as we can currently tell, so is the Universe. This is known and acknowledged by both religious people and irreligous people.
My stance is not theological, but moral and ethical. According to your system, millions of good, kind, compassionate and honest people who were raised in a different (or no) faith are bound for Hell, while murderers, thieves and gangsters who accept God after a life of harm and damage to others get to go to Heaven. In what Universe can such a travesty be called just or right? No 'higher purpose' can justify it - it might explain it, but it could never excuse it. It is simply morally wrong. To forgive sinners wwho bow down before him, but brutally punish the virtuous, simply because they do not acknowledge his authority, puts God on the same level as Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. I will not follow a God like that, my conscience will ot let me.
The Transcendent God is another matter. In that case I, Tony, will cease to exist upon death and the 'divine spark' or 'soul', a symbiote or parasite that has been attached to me, will merge with the Absolute or find another host to tag along with. In either case 'I' will know nothing abut it.
If the Creator is distant and indifferent, as I suspect, then I'm just dead anyway.
NDEs' have far too any common elements to be anythng other than a physical or neurological phenomenon.