Now if you're going to force spritiual activity (an utter waste of time that could otherwise be spent actually doing something), then at least have the decency and common sense to encourage Weastern people to explore their native beleif systems such as Odinism, Wicca, Druidism and so forth. If the Eastern systems had had any value to to those in the North and West, then the local religions would have evolved into similar ones. They didn't, because the climate didn't allow for it. Which is why in much of Europe and the US, most Christmas and Easter traditions are actually pagan. Christianity - in its' origins a Mediterranean vegetation/mystery religion - is simply a thin overlay.
As to meaning in life, etc, why do people have such a hard time grasping that the only meaning their life has is the one you give it yourself? I spent most of my working life in education or in fields related to it. Helpig people find ways to a better life. I have a wife in failing health, a daughter who is a single parent of two children - one autistic, the other a Type-1 diabetic. They need me and that's all the meaning I need. Also, why are people so afraid of death? Life is infinitely more painful and troublesome! "We are such stuff as dreams are made on/And our little life is rounded with a sleep." that's all.
Religion corrupts -as Nietzsche reminds us "If you gaze too long into the Abyss, the Abyss gazes also into you." The Abyss is within you, and you can fill it with real things from the world and people around you, or populate it with twisted or glorified versions of yourself.