Tony Atkinson
2 min readJan 15, 2025


Not taxing the right people, or taxing the wrong people too much. Constant tax-cutting for billionaires and corporations, along with clever lawyersand accontants who game the system in favour of the rich, have left ordianry folk paying far to much while the likes of Elon Musk pay virtually nothing (as a proportion of their income).

OK, so $46 000 is a litle less than a third or 30% of $150 000. It gives a take-home pay of $104 000 pa. A person in the UK earning the equivalent -roughly £123K at current RoE - would pay £41 232 in Income Tax and a further £5 224 in National Insurance, totalling £46 453 in stoppages and thus £76 543 in take home ($93 521). Now things may be different in the US, but I defy anyone in the UK not to live comfortably on that wage! Over 6 000 per month! The average (median) yearly wage here is £37 450, the modal probaly nearer £15 000. Note that the NHS, the State Pension and Social Security are primarily funded from the NI (National Insurance) payment which is split between the employee and the employer, the employer paying around 13.8% of the amount of wages and benefits given per employee in NI contributions.

Not to put too fine a point on it, your tax system needs reform, you need to stop coddling greedy bastards like Musk, you need to slash your bloated military and you need to set up some kind of ring-fenced funding to provide free healthcare for everyone - as every other developed nation does!

Mind you, you could make a mint by taxing gun owership!



Tony Atkinson
Tony Atkinson

Written by Tony Atkinson

Snapper-up of unconsidered trifles, walker of paths less travelled by. Writer of fanfiction. Player of games.

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