Not quite sure what you mean by morality anyway! I mean, for a Viking chieftain, hanging prisoners of war from a crude gallows before spearing them as a sacrifice to Odin was a perfectly moral act!
If you're talking about sex, then I'm sorry, but people have always had sex outside marriage, cheated on their partners, been gay or bisexual and so forth. Todays' attirude of letting people get on with it and sort out the resulting problems for themselves is as good as any.
The decline of the family is merely a result of the decline of patriarchy and we will have to wait and see what structures emerge to replace it.
Protecting children from potentially damaging content is the duty of parents and to a lesser extent teachers. Not governments. Government censorship of pornography and violence can too easily become censorship of ideas the government doesn't want people thinking about.
As for morality in government and politics, it has never existed and never will.