Not entirely sure why they went for this background. Tolkien wrote massive amounts regarding the First Age, there's more than enough material there for several films and TV series. There are also considerable reserves of lore to be mined from the Third Age - including but not limited to the troubled histories of Arnor and Gondor, the adventures of a younger Aragorn (who had done many things before his fateful meeting with Frodo and company at the Prancing Pony) and the War of the Dwarfs and Orcs.
But they went instead for the Second Age. An Age which Tolkien skipped over (or never got round to). An Age about which we know perhaps three things: the rise and fall of Numenor (but only the Fall in any detail); the forging of the Rings of Power and subsequent destruction of the Elven Realm of Eregion; the rather flat and tedious tale of Aldarion and Erendis. Apart from the last story, and the Akallabeth, there is nothng that was properly filled out.
Thus we are left with an extended piece of fanfiction without enough 'canon' material to give it any resonance. (I'm not dissing fanfiction, I write it myself).