Nice thoughts and ideas, but one caveat (I always have at least one caveat).
Humans are a massively diverse bunch and every attempt to enforce or achieve uniformity in any aspect of life or thought has failed abysmally. This we see from history, which is basically an endless repetiton of one lot saying "This is how things will be!" and another lot saying "Over my dead body!"
Line up ten people and tell them to push. Two will push, two will pull, three will say "What?", two will have bad backs and one will ask "Who died and made you God?"
If someone ever convinced the whole of humanity that there was a Universal or Divine Will urging them to goodness and bliss, fully half would turn to evil and seek to suffer simply in order to assert their own wills.
Plus, of course, one mans' bliss is another mans' torture.
Is this why Milton had Lucifer say "Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven?"