Let's be blunt, except for urgent government and military purposes, flying shouldn't be allowed at all. The internet, telephone etc means that real-time conversations across the globe are possible without leaving the office, so business travel is unnecessary. Holidays abroad are a privilege, not a right, but if people must, they can go by sea. I reckon folk should just go to the seaside!
It's all very well to talk about meat and dairy, but livestock and dairy farming has been going on for millennia with minimal effect. It's industry that causes the issues! Also, if we were all to go vegan, that would mean the forced slaughter of millions of pigs, cattle, chickens, sheep etc, along with safe disposal of the carcasses. After which there would be the extra pollution brought about by mass production of the dietary supplements we'd all need.
Regarding power, wind, tide and solar are all blind alleys or red herrings. The answer is the same as it's always been - nuclear. There is a great deal of research and investment going on into low-waste, thorium and other reactor types, including some that utilise waste from others as fuel. Trouble is that so many people have been trained to panic at the word 'nuclear' - mostly by people working for the fossil fuel industry.
It's also worth mentioning that, even if we stopped generating greenhouse gases tomorrow, the climate would continue to warm, just not as fast. We are still working our way out of the last Ice Age, and the planet isn't anywhere near its 'normal' temperature yet. Good idea to slow it down to normal, but it won't stop.