Let me pose you a simple conundrum.
The Supreme Creator of the Universe is a being of unlimited power and intellect. They have created this vast repository of wonders and marvels, and they continue to create. A repository which is, as far as we can tell, not only 99.9999 recurring per cent devoid of life, but is also almost entirely inimical to life.
Person A believes that this Creator is intensely and personally concerned with every aspect of their life. That the Creator watches over them, and has set up rules for them which, if adhered to, will grant them immortality. Futhermore, Person A believes that the entire Universe was brought into existence simply so that the Creator can decide which humans wil become immortsl at the end of it.
Person B holds the opinion that a being such as the Creator will have a purpose and agenda in acordance with their power and intelligence. A purpose and agenda no other being could understand or be an effective part of. Person B considers that, even if humanity does have a role in this purpose, the evidence available suggests that this role is minor, fleeting and far from essential. Person B therefore concludes, pending any valid evidence to the contrary, that the Creator is at best indifferent to humanity, and at worst regards us as a small side-effect, unworthy of attention. As such we are left only with the option of making the best of what we have.
To summarise: Person A believes the humanity, and thus himself, is central to the Creators' plan and purpose, and that the rest of the Universe is mere window-dressing Person B, however, thinks that, in all probability, the Creator has little or no interest in humanity, having far larger plans.
Of the two, then, which is the more arrogant? The one who believes God made the Universe for him? Or the one who thinks he is a minor and irrelevant by-product of a much larger process?