It's not that people give or don't give so much as the charities should not exist, should not have to exist.
It's one thing for a local motorcycle club to do a whip-round and buy some toys for the kids' hospital every Christmas. That;s kindness and something extra for the children.
It's quite another for a group of well-meaning people like the Trussell Trust to set up food banks to provide food for people on benefits. That undermines every campainger and lobbyist trying to get benefits raised to a living income. Becuase then the Tory bastards can say "See!, The private sector is taking care of it!" You don't see the likes of Rishi Sunak saying that it's a disgrace that working people in the UK in the 21st Century have to rely on charity tio feed their children. He's just happy for the excuse not to increase benefits and wages to decent levels. Because the only way to do that is to tax the rich, and they won't do that!
As to foreign aid, enough money has been poured into the developing world sine the 18th Century to provide water, power, medical facilities and education to everyone several times over. The UK alone dispersed £11.4 billion in aid last year. Honestly, where has that money gone if not into the pockets of corrupt rulers?
Even the least competent of governments should have been able to do something useful with it!