"It is a capital mistake, Watson, to theorise before one has all the facts."
We do not have all the facts. It is unlikely that we shall ever have all the facts. we are limited by what our senses react to and the ability of our minds to categorise and build structures (knowledge) on these reactions.
The problem with the religious is that the Universe has grown, but their gods haven't. Their gods are still the gods of a flat earth floating in the sea under a crystal dome. Thus they become, not Divine, but simply either fictional creations, or beings of immense power and intelligence. Neither of these deserves nor has the right to command worship.
The notion of an extra-Universal Absolute, as found in the Perennial Philosophy, has more legs in this respect. But it leaves the religious with a 'god' who has zero interest in human behaviour, leaving the evolution of our 'souls' to our own choices.
Yesterdays' unassailable fact is todays' preposterous notion. Which means that todays' unassailable fact is tomnorrows' preposterous notion. Something all of us could do with bearing in mind.