Interestingly, there are hints in Nietzsche of the idea that the Overman should be, above all, solitary and unconcerned with others, rather than ruling them. Other passages indicate that part of the role of the Overman is to test and challenge others to rise to their status, by oppression if necessary - like the Spartan agoge. But I am disinclined to give credence to somebody who uses quite so many exclamation marks!
But it may be worth considering that the transhuman state may not be something achieved by an individual or individuals at all. As interconnectedness through technology increases, it brings problems and solutions of kinds we have not encountered before. In that it resembles both evolution and progress. Is it possible that the transhuman state will be one of absolute inteconnectedness? That the indivivdual, both human and cybernetic, will simply become a node in a global system? A system sufficiently powerful and intelligent to transcend human limitations? Will we all be assimilated? Resistance may well prove not only futile, but regressive!