In order: I don't know if God exists. I don't think God would be as described in the various religions. I think - but don't know - that the Creator of the Universe would be so far beyond us as to be utterly infifferent to or opletely unaware of humanity.
Eternity exists, but only as the absence of Time, ie in a state of complete entropy where all energy is locked away. Time is merely the process form pure energy (chaos) to energy locked in matter (entropy). Just as infinity exists, but only where there is no matter - Space is the distance between concentrations of matter.
If your God exists, He is defined by His own actions and inactions, as an amoral, arrogant and at least marginally psychopathic personality. Simply in order to retain my own integrity and ideals - for which I have had many battles - and my empathy and sympathy for those callously mistreated by the holders of power, I cannot and will not submit to such a Being. If the cost of that is pain - I know how to cope with pain.
I don't know who is right or wrong about theism and religion. Your God is as probable as any other (which is to say, not very), but is still possible - anything is possible.
But in the face of these existential dilemmas, the only guide I have is my own conscience. In a confrontation between the powerful and the powerless, I stand always for the powerless, even if the powerful is God. That's who I am.