In one of my stories I had Bruce Wayne explain to The Ninth Doctor (never mind) just what makes Superman so dangerous. It's because he isn't, and has never been, Kal-El, whatever his DNA might say. At heart, he's Clark Kent, son of Jonathan and Martha Kent, archetypal Middle American lackwits of zero philosophical and political sophistication. One day, Bruce tells the TimeLord, Clark will see a situation, react the way his parents brought him up to, and millions will die. Which is why Bruce has a plan for him, for which The Doctor is grateful, because he'd rather not be responsible for the extinction of another race.
This echoes the moment in The Dark Knight returns when, upon realising that the 'Coldbringer' bomb has been launched, the Batman curses Superman for 'letting them do it'.
There are only two paths for a character like this. Either he reads his Nietzsche, realises what he is, and acts like the true Overman by going into the wilderness, leaving everyone else alone until they are ready to challenge him. Or he takes over the world 'for the greater good'. Anything else is just too fantastically unlikely, even for comics.