I'm not your ally, or anyone elses'. I'm just the old white atheist ace who detests unfairess, bullying and prejudice.
I don't have a problem with anybody disliking anybody else (I don't like anybody), as long as they have a valid reason for it (eg the other person is an annoying dick).
I do have a problem with people being judged and disliked for something they can't help or change. I do have a problem with people being bullied, held back, marginalised and ill-treated, for any reason. I've spent a good chunk of my life helping people in these situations. I've done it person by person, case by case because that was and is the limit of my reach. I've helped people I found personally irritating because they were being treated badly.
That's who I am, that's how I roll. Stick a label on me and I'll feed it to you!