I'm not culling my bookshelves because once you start down that path, you end up not reading or watching anything!
Newsflash: nobody's perfect. We've all done thngs to be ashamed of, we all have attitudes that some folk would have a problem with. Does this invalidate everything we've ever done? Of course not!
J K Rowling is as dim as a Toc-H lamp, has some daft ideas and is at best a mediocre writer who should have sold the HP concept to Terry Pratchett; butmilions of kids have enjoyed and still enjoy her books which, in and of themselves, are harmless. The same applies to Gaimans' work, which contain no substantial 'red flags' or objectionable attitudes in their protagonists.
It is to be recalled that Charles Dickens, at the age of 45, attempted to have his wife institutionalised in order to engage in a long-lasting affair with an 18-year-old actress. Does this mean we must no longer read The Pickwick Papers or A Christmas Carol?
If you insist on making heroes out of actual, real, people, you are always going to be disappointed.