I don't see why not. If one were to apply the problem-solving engineering mindset to the problem. "What is it we need to do, and what is the simplest, most efficient and user-friendly way to do it?"
People have these spiritual experiences, but often do not know how they happened. There is no clear set of steps to produce them, or it there is, the process seems to be so demanding and difficult that the proverbial man on the Clapham omnibus and his good lady have neither the time nor the ability to follow it.
Those few scientists who are inclined to investigate such matters do so on a purely material level, by measuring brainwaves and so forth. Which is equivalent to trying to measure temperature with a ruler!
Which is why I said that we need new theories, new tools and a new way of looking at things if we're going to exceed the limits of what we can currently know. I don't know what they are - I'm not a clever person - but I would think somebody, somewhere, will have an inkling!