I do see your point. However, the nature of gods has always been to require sacrifice. What the sacrifice is, very much depends on the God. YHWH, in common with most Mediterranean sky-gods, required 'burnt offerings' of domestic animals. Other gods -expecially in the Hindu pantheon -are made gifts of food or flowers which are left on the altar.
Nowadays, in Europe, instead of hunting a boar or sacrificing the King at midwinter, we give each other presents; the logic being that a gift to another is a small sacrifice, since we could have kept it for ourselves.
But when Paul decided to repackage Yeshuas' Judaic/Essene teaching into a Graeco-Roman Mystery Cult he had to add the Dying/Reborn King trope to sell it to his audience. That concept was a mainstay of the mystery cults and came from the Vegetation Cults that preceded the Classical Olympian cults.
So in fact the Resurrection has no more to do with the original philosophy taught by Yeshua than The Lord of the Rings has to do with the Necronomicon!