I do see your point. I also note that the upcoming Mass Effect 4 is apparently based on the 'Destroy' ending.
However, I do disagree with you.
The 'destroy' ending - achieved by Admiral Anderson in Shepards' pre-vision - is a typical cowboy white hat vs black hat decision. Or is it? Because the pulse destroys not only the reapers, but also all the Mass Relays and every other AI in the Galaxy. That includes EDI (bad news for Joker) and the Geth. Whichc leaves us with millions of worlds pretty much in isolation. Yes, the ships have their own Mass Effect drives, but those will still take weeks or months to get anywhere, as opposed to the minutes or hours made possible by the Relays. Without the Geth and their massive, sophisticated ships, rebuilding the Relays would take centuries, if it were even possible. Not a good or optimistic ending.
The 'control' ending, pre-visioned by the Illusive Man, leaves all the races intact. The Reapers - who invented the Mass Relays - would have no trouble rebuilding them. They could share their stored knowledge of every culture they had harvested. But what then? Do we end up with Shepard ruling the Galaxy like some Injustice-style Superman? What is the role of these 'new' Reapers? An uncomnfortable ending.
The 'synthesis' ending has no prevision, implying that in choosing it, Shepard is choosing his own path, rather than that of his mentor or antagonist. It also affirms his learned respect for AI life-forms and their worthiness to be included among other civilisations as equals. It isn't about making cyborgs of everyone so much as allowing synthetics and organics to communicate with and understand each other better - a galaxy-wide networking, if you will. It removes the Reapers, while leaving the rest better able to rebuild Galactic society.
I think, or at least suspect, that after all those years of channeling Babylon 5, somebody on the team finally watched an episode or two of Doctor Who. Because the synthesis option is the perfect answer to the question every hero should ask when faced with a decision: What Would The Doctor Do? The Doctor would, of course, choose synthesis because it saves everyone!