Humans were evolved to live in small, homogenous communities where everyone worked for the common good, as hunter-gatherers. Individualism is a psychosis brought about by living in communities that are too large. We're hard-wired to recognise every face we see every day. When we don't, because we've been pushed into a bigger community than we're meant for, we live in constant 'fight or flight' mode because we're also hard-wired to be scared of strangers. Hence racism, psychopathy and sociopathy as well as the autistic spectrum we are now all on!
The best thing that could happen is for the next pandemic to do its job properly and kill off about two-thirds of us. The next best is to use what we can of the old structures to develop a more natural, community-focused way of living.
It is already clear that capitalism, unless harshly and quickly checked, is going to wipe us out. Some people might like capitalism, but the planet can't take much more of it!