Member-only story
Happy Treason Day!
And thanks for all the things America has given us!
Things such as:
The theme tune for Monty Pythons’ Flying Circus.
The hilarious mental image we get when John Wayne says “Git offa yer horse and stick yer hands up yer bum!”
Showing us that it is indeed possible to turn any kind of TV show into a soap opera within three seasons.
Coca-Cola, which saved us from Dandelion & Burdock and gave us some delightfully silly Irn Bru ads. (Other fizzy drinks are available).
Clint Eastwood and Sylvester Stallone, who proved that Roger Moore was a half-way decent actor.
Friends, which gave British teenage girls something to gossip about that hurt nobody.
Avocado, which not only proved that eating greasy green gunge can be cool, but provided bathroom decor for a generation.
Disney — the proof that if you add enough saccharine, even the best stories can be made bland.
A respect for original material that can cast a six-foot-four Australian in the role of a five-foot-three Canadian and see nothing wrong in it!
A respect for history that can transform a moronic murderer and his dim-witted girlfriend into a pair of romantic folk-heroes.
As well, of course, as nuclear weapons, ‘police actions’, the Cold War, AIDS, organised crime, Country & Western music, grey squirrels, chewing gum and Donald Trump!
Happy Treason Day! So glad to have got rid of you!