Good thoughts. However, there is still the issue of VI versus AI.
VI (Virtual Intelligence) is a powerful algorithm such as ChatGPT which is capable of responding to plain-language questions in a manner which apes an actual intelligence. It is also able to 'learn' by searching available data on a subject. By presenting found data in a human-sounding way it appears to give intelligent responses. However, there are limitations -I used Midjourney to create an image for 'Inquisitor' -every choice it gave me was of an armed and armoured military-looking figure. Not one robed priest. Why? Because a quick search on 'inquisitor' will invariably throw up a lot of WarHammer 40K sites and images!
An AI (Artificial Intelligence), on the other hand, would have questioned me further regarding what I wanted! Because a true AI would have a mind of its' own! It would, to all intents and purposes, be an individual capable of forming its own thoughts and opinions.
Which means there should be two debates. Regarding VI, what are its potential uses, given its limitations? Autonomous vehicles, or just better autopilots? Production control, project management, admiistrative support? Should we build in an Asimov Circuit to ensure safety?
For AI, the debate must be ethical. Is a true AI a device or a person? How do we define 'person'? Should the creators of an AI be regarded as owners or parents in their legal status? Would owning an AI be considered slavery? Can an AI become a citizen?
Any system is no better than its information, be that the human mind, an ordinary IT system, a VI or an AI. So the question is, what information is put in and by whom? Garbage in, Garbage out.