First, I'm not lecturing you, I'm telling you off!
Secondly, I don't expect you to understand Brexit, I'll just say it's a lot more complicated and was a far more difficult decision for a lot of us than it seems, and that the current economic collywobbles are more about Covid and the war in Ukraine. And Northern Ireland, a problem which the UK government could resolve in a simple single step but chooses not to.
Thirdly, you are not, as a nation, in any kind of fight. You are a group of tribes, each concerned only with their own specific grievances, squabbling among yourselves while your common enemy continues to destroy you at leisure and with impunity.
I've already seen articles on Medium saying that Black and Brown people will suffer more than White people from the overturning of Roe vs Wade. "I'm still a bigger victim than you, so nyah, nyah, nyah!" This kind of sectional/identitarian thinking helps nobody except the common enemy.
The four issues I wrote about are smoke and mirrors. They are the tools of 'divide and rule', desgined to stop ordinary Americans from coming together as a true mass movement.
There are in fact only two issues. Predatory capitalism and a system of government which is ineffective by design. Tackle those first, and you will be in a position to reasonably debate all the rest.
Fourthly, I set out my personal views on the four issues at the beginning of the piece, so that people knew where I stood. In the matter of abortion, it is an issue I will never personally face, because I can't become pregnant, so for me to be pro- or anti- abortion would be an act of arrogance from ignorance. My opinions on civil liberties and planned parenthood are another matter and were not germane to the topic.
You should also note that I requested that people refrain from commenting on my statement of views, because they were not part of the thesis. That you insisted on doing so gives a flavour of discourtesy to your response, which is otherwise understandable, even if I do not agree with it.